This page is a list of books Andre I. has read to be his foundation, whether for trading or his personal development.
Related to Trading
Forex Trading Secrets: Trading Strategies for the Forex Market (2010) - James Dicks
Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques: A Contemporary Guide to the Ancient Investment Techniques of the Far East (1991) - Steve Nison
Naked Forex: High-Probability Techniques for Trading Without Indicators (2012) - Alex Nekritin & Walter Peters
Trading for a Living: Psychology, Trading Tactics, Money Management (1993) - Alexander Elder
Trading to Win: The Psychology of Mastering the Markets (1998) - Ari Kiev
Indirectly Related to Trading
Emotional Intelligence (2006) - Daniel Goleman
Radical Uncertainty: Decision-making for an unknowable future (2021) - John Kay & Mervyn King
The Psychology of Money Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness (2020) - Morgan Housel
Others Unrelated to Trading
Talking with Psychopaths and Savages: Mass Murderers and Spree Killers (2021) - Christopher Berry-Dee
The Courage to Be Disliked: How to Free Yourself, Change your Life and Achieve Real Happiness (2013) - Fumitake Koga and Ichiro Kishimi
The Ruler's Guide: China's Greatest Emperor and His Timeless Secrets of Success (2017) - Chinghua Tang